Monday, February 7, 2011

San Fran

Day 5 is a picture of somewhere you have been. My favorite place that I have ever been would have to be San Fransisco. I absolutley loved it there. My mom and Brett suprised me for graduation and took me there. We got to see Wicked, go to Alcatraz, see the Golden Gate bridge and do lots of other really cool things. I would go back right now if I had the chance.
 My hair was so short an blonde! It was so windy in San Fran. Especially when you were close to the ocean.
Me and mommy at the best show ever. WICKED :) It was serioulsy so amazing. I have read the book and I love the music. I was so so excited when I found out we were going there. Mom and Brett loved it too and we are going again in May. It'll be awesome.

This is my favorite picture of Mom and Brett. They don't like how close up it is but I love it.

Me, Mom, and Brett at Alcatraz. I loved it there. I probably took over 100 pictures just of the cells. I wanna go there with my dad someday.

1 comment:

  1. Fun! I love San Francisco! It looks like you had so much fun!
